He is Watching! Watching! Watching! Over YOU!
He see's! He see's! Yes everything you say and Do!

He know's when you are struggling, In a storm full of STRIFE!
How could you doubt your CREATOR for he KNOW's every single thing about you and what's happening in your LIFE!

He created you in YOUR MOTHER'S womb prepared you for EVERYTHING in this Life you would endure or FACE,
Some of you will pull away from God, Some will run to him and rest in his FULL loving healing  EMBRACE!

He is WATCHING, He is waiting, For you to COME TO HIM,
Don't delay your HEALING, With him let it do BEGIN,

Comfort, His Mighty Assurance, In this storm does awaits,
Just for the ASKING the Lord will flood you with HIS wisdom, Comfort, Love, From the Heavenly GATES!

Oh yes He is Watching! Watching! From Heaven Above,
Because YOU he so adores with MASSIVE GREAT LOVE,

To some your just a Friend, Daughter, Wife, Son, Husband, Father, Sister, Brother, Grandmother, Grandfather,  Just one,

But to GOD your EVERYTHING that He sacrificed HIS ONLY SON,

So you would have LIFE Eternal in Heaven someday,
So know this everyday!

He is Watching, He is Watching, He want's you as his own,
So you will have eternal life and see God sitting upon his Heavenly THRONE.

When you do meet up in Heavenly Bliss,
He will greet you with open arms & a Heavenly Kiss,

He will tell YOU with GREAT GLEE,
You are forever HOME now my precious one with ME,
Look around and now you SEE!

Heaven was your final Eternal DESTINY!

9/2/2017  © Lucy Franklin

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