Once upon a time I had my heart so broke,
I Prayed and Prayed unto God,

Then unto my heart I heard The Almighty Gods awesome mighty voice As He SPOKE!

He told me that he'd heard me praying through out the passing years,
Then He lovingly wiped away all my flowing tears !

His presence I felt so very tender and ever so near,
It was true divine intervention the clouds of my mind had began now to clear,

The heartache, loss, grief now was being replaced,
With the son of God Jesus's glorious face!

Yes, right there he  sat in front of me,
Smiling, Holding my trembling hand, setting my broken heart free!

Mending the brokenness I'd held on to for so long,
He lovingly showed me just where I had went in my life so wrong.

Though this all happened as I did sleep,
I knew it was not  a dream,

I had been visited by the Shepherd,
For I was his wondering lost sheep,
For ever now he has my heart with his to keep!

2/15/2011  Lucy Franklin

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